What are bingo wings?
Bingo wings is the term used to describe the sagging or loose skin and excess fat on the upper arms that can develop with age, weight fluctuations, or due to the natural ageing process. Commonly appearing as excess fat and lax skin around the upper arm area, can lead individuals to shy away from sleeveless tops and feel less confident in their appearance.
Bingo Wings treatment options
The good news is that patients looking to lose their bingo wings have a few options. These include:
Exercise and Toning
Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise focusing on the upper body to build muscle tone and maintain a healthy weight, can help tone the upper arms and improve results for patients seeking a complete solution. Maintaining a regular exercise and muscle toning schedule could be sufficient to tighten the skin, and aid extra weight loss.
Along with exercise and toning, you could try non-surgical treatments that utilise radiofrequency technology and help with collagen production. These treatments help improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of bingo wings without surgery.
Arm lift (Brachioplasty)
One of the most effective treatments for fat reduction and skin tightening in this area is fat removal surgery, such as an arm lift (or traditional liposuction). An arm lift, a surgical procedure that removes excess skin, can dramatically tighten and contour the upper arms. The treatment procedure can be done under general anaesthetic or sedation and can take around two hours.
After the plastic surgery is completed, and the crepey skin is removed, you will likely need at least two weeks of downtime before returning to work. It may take a couple of months before any strenuous activity can be undertaken.
For patients seeking a less invasive option, liposuction offers targeted fat removal which uses ultrasound technology to break down fat cells. Similar to an arm lift, liposuction can be performed under general anaesthetic or sedation and can last anything from 1-3 hours depending on the areas you want to treat.
Depending on the size of the area targeted, downtime is a little less than with an arm lift. Rest for at least a week post-surgery, and avoid strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks.
Arm lifts and liposuction can be combined with a skin-tightening procedure for optimal results, they generally require some recovery time and may involve wearing a compression garment to support healing in the treated areas.
Each treatment has unique benefits, and consulting with an award-winning plastic surgeon like Mr Ioannis Goutos can provide patients with a tailored approach. With the right combination of treatments, patients can achieve noticeable improvements, regain body confidence, embrace their upper arm area with pride, and wear the clothes they want.
It’s time to get rid of bingo wings by setting up a consultation with Goutos London and target that excess skin you’re too embarrassed for people to see!