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Restorative Surgical Procedures by Mr Ioannis Goutos

Tummy Tuck London

Tummy Tuck London

At a glance

Treatment time:

Includes initial consultation, pre-operative assessment and planning, the surgery itself and post-operative recovery.


Abdominoplasty operations usually take 2-3 hours.

Return to work:

Usually around 2 weeks, with 6-8 weeks before return to strenuous activity.


General anaesthetic.

Our tummy tuck in London is one of several surgical procedures used in ‘body contouring’. Body contouring includes a number of techniques that aim to reduce excess fat and tighten the overlying skin envelope.

A tummy tuck, or ‘abdominoplasty’, is an operation performed to remove loose, saggy abdominal skin, which is very common following pregnancy or weight loss. It also aims to tighten weakened or separated abdominal muscles and improve the overall contour of the lower abdomen. If you have a tummy tuck you can expect a ‘smile-like’ scar over the pubic area and a fine scar around the belly button; in certain circumstances, the scar is shaped like an anchor in order to remove excess skin higher up in the abdominal area.

A tummy tuck operation can be done as a day case, which means that most people can go home the same day after the surgery. Sometimes you may need to stay in hospital for one night, If the surgery is extensive, or if there is any need for extended observation following the general anaesthetic.

Mr Ioannis Goutos has a special interest in body contouring, in addition to scar management and burn care. Mr Goutos is an expert and skilled surgeon, and additionally pays attention to the psychodynamic aspects of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures. He places meticulous attention on the wishes and suitability of each patient to come to a joint decision on the best treatments for each individual. Treatments with Mr Goutos include a full initial consultation, discussions of different treatment options, as well as the surgery itself and the post-operative recovery/follow up.

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Tummy Tuck Treatment London

Those wishing to have a tummy tuck will need an initial consultation; this is important to understand the aims and desired outcomes and to reach a joint decision on what kind of procedure is the most suitable. During this consult, it is also important to undergo a meticulous pre-operative assessment to ensure that you are suitable for a general anaesthetic.

A tummy tuck operation is typically done under a general anaesthetic, which means that you are asleep during the surgery. Once safely asleep, you are monitored throughout the operation by a qualified consultant anaesthetist.

Before the operation, the surgeon carefully marks the incision lines on the tummy. During the procedure, the excess skin and fat are removed and, if appropriate, six-pack muscles are tightened. An incision is also made around the belly button so that the surgeon can ensure it is appropriately placed on the newly contoured lower abdomen. The surgical wound is then closed using the appropriate stitches, which are usually absorbable. Most people will need 2 weeks off work and to then avoid vigorous activity for 6-8 weeks after a tummy tuck operation. Mr Goutos recommends that all patients wear a compressive garment 6-8 weeks to reduce swelling and provide support for optimal wound healing. You will be seen in the weeks following your operation to check in with the healing process and ensure good post-operative results.

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Goutos London - Tummy Tuck
Goutos London - FAQ

Abdominoplasty London FAQs

We know having medical, surgical or cosmetic treatment can seem daunting and it is natural to have questions. We are here to ensure your comfort and safety at all times. If you are unable to find the answer to your questions below, then please do not hesitate to contact us so we can help.

As with all operations, a tummy tuck carries risks of bleeding, infection, delayed wound healing and blood clots. Rarely people may also have a reaction to the general anaesthetic. Following a tummy tuck, most people will need to take painkillers whilst the surgical wound heals, and there may also be some swelling and bruising, which can be minimized by the use of an appropriate support garment. All of the risks and side effects of this operation will be discussed with you during your initial consult, and you will be able to ask any questions you may have.

It usually takes 6-8 weeks to fully recuperate after a tummy tuck operation. It is important to avoid putting strain on the stitches on your lower abdomen, particularly in the first few weeks, so activity may need to be limited, including driving. It is also key to ensure that you wear a good support garment to prevent swelling and encourage good healing of the wound.

There are several procedures that can be done for contouring of the lower abdomen, including a partial abdominoplasty (or ‘mini tummy tuck’), panniculectomy or liposuction. The best procedure for you will depend on the current shape of your lower abdomen, your suitability for surgery and your desired outcomes. Mr Goutos will be able to expertly discuss all the possibilities with you to help you decide which option would be best for you.

Tummy Tuck London Price

Starting from £5500

At Goutos London, we aim to deliver a premium service with no compromise on quality in order to deliver the best results possible for your needs.

Goutos London

Conditions Tummy Tuck can treat

Whatever your condition, and whatever your health goals are, we will ensure you get a holistic, focused and bespoke service that offers you the safest options for treatment aiming for the best possible outcome.

Apron Stomach / Belly Overhang

Bingo Wings

Saggy & Loose Skin


Mr Goutos is delighted to share some of his patient and peer feedback on their experiences of his services.

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