Scar management
Mr Goutos completed his postgraduate training in the London and Oxford deaneries at centres of excellence in burn care and scar management including the internationally renowned St Andrew’s Burns Centre, Essex.
He undertook a scar management fellowship at Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan under Professor Rei Ogawa where he learned cutting edge techniques and innovative ways to treat challenging scars.
Mr Goutos also completed an Interburns burn care fellowship in India and Nepal (Southeast Asia) which broadened his application of scar management techniques even further and ensured he was able to cater for patients from different cultures.

Academic experience
Mr Goutos completed his Masters degree in Burn Care (QMUL) with distinction in September 2014. One of his original research interests was looking at the pathophysiology and treatment of scar symptoms. His work on post burn pruritus (itching) included eleven peer reviewed publications/international presentations and culminated in an article proposing a comprehensive pathophysiological model. His project was honoured with the best poster award at the
2009 American Burn Association meeting and later it received an editorial recognition as one of the most influential publications in 2014.. Furthermore, his work has now been widely accepted by the international burns community and has formed the basis of two further randomised controlled trials. The use of neuropathic agents for the management of pruritus and pain is now globally considered standard practice.
Mr Goutos is also a reviewer for the four major burns and scar management international journals and has authored over fifty peer-reviewed articles including three book chapters with main focus on acute burn care/scar management and is considered a thought leader in this field.
He is the Director of the Plastic Surgery Academic Programmes at Queen Mary University of London. Aside from his postgraduate teaching responsibilities, he has strengthened links between the Centre for Cutaneous Research and clinical practice by actively participating in regional and national basic research initiatives including being the principal investigator for a current study aiming to understand the role of mechanical forces in keloid scar formation
(IRAS 266351. ‘Understanding the mechanobiology of keloid scar formation’).
Mr Goutos is also a key opinion leader for some of the largest laser companies including Lumenis and Cynosure allowing him to share his skill and expertise widely via peer to peer educational events and workshops.

Clinical practice
As part of his work at the Barts Health NHS Trust, Mr Goutos spearheaded the operationalisation of the burns facility at the Royal London Hospital as well as made significant contribution to the hypertrophic and keloid scar tertiary centre within the trust. One of his key inititatives included a collaboration with the UCLH radiotherapy department aiming to combine surgical and specialist radiotherapy expertise in the management of patients with complex keloid scars.
Mr Goutos feels privileged to serve as an appointed spokesperson for the British Skin Foundation. This role enables him the opportunity to undertake outreach activities through website blogs on skin related conditions as well as national television appearances (including an interview in the aftermath of the tragic volcanic explosion in New Zealand).
He is an affiliated member of British and European Burn Associations as well as the British Medical Laser Association. He also holds an executive membership within the Global Scar Society and contributes to educational events organised by the Keloid Research Foundation on a regular basis.
Mr Goutos is also a member of ‘Scar Academy’- an international collaboration of experts dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and skill pertinent to scar management and has hosted several international workshops on scan management techniques for doctors, surgeons and physical therapists.

Mr Goutos applies a wide range of techniques that are bespoke to the needs of his patients, their scars and their desired goals. He combines evidence-based techniques for optimal results and most commonly undertakes surgery followed by laser based modalities to ensure optimal scar quality.
He ensures he consistently stays abreast of developments in this field and holds a leading academic position in the scientific community and key affiliations with the relevant societies and professional associations.
Mr Goutos believes that quality burn and scar care should be accessible to everyone and as such, he plays an active role working with charitable organisations such as ‘Operation Smile’ and ‘Interburns’, both of which aim to improve provision of burn care in low to middle income countries. His contributions have led to his participation in burn care missions (including India, Nepal, Palestine) where he performed a wide range of reconstructive and acute burn operative procedures. He regularly contributes to the improvement of standards of care through audit and delivery of educational sessions, which are specifically adapted to the individual socioeconomic environment of the visiting facilities.

Mr Goutos is delighted to share some of his patient and peer feedback on their experiences of his services.